The Right to Be

'Exposing the suppressed history we still carry within us'

The Right to Be

Susan Smit, author

We still carry inside us every experience that is not recognized and processed. However, the trauma is pushed aside and buried, sometimes so deep that we seem to have forgotten it, but it's not gone. It has been stored in the subconscious and from there directs us in the form of restrictive convictions and patterns, which are knotted together. In his work as a reincarnation therapist and with this magnificant book Maarten Oversier helps us to untangle those knots. With wisdom and patience he uncoils the rope right back to the very beginning where the issue originated. Our soul wants nothing more than to bring unresolved past from all incarnations to the surface so that it can be seen and healed, both at an individual and collective level.

Doutzen Kroes, one of the world's most famous supermodels, actress, mother

Maarten Oversier's book 'The Right to Be' was a gift for me. For years I felt I had been carrying around certain unresolved traumas from my childhood that I could not get to. Two years earlier I had embarked on a huge quest. Familiar to many as; who am I, where do I come from and why am I here? Maarten explains quite lucidly how you can recognize unprocessed trauma. Also, how they are allowed to come out through emotions and physical blockages that present themselves and which can then be investigated as to their genesis. I wish we could learn this from an early age. That we start looking for answers in ourselves and not always outside ourselves. I am very grateful to Maarten that he and many others are helping to pave the way for us. Today he is one of the guides who can teach us how to do it ourselves.